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International projects

PhosAgro International projects and programs

In 2015, the United Nations adopted a sustainable development program of 17 Global Goals that should “transform the world” and help all countries achieve balance in the economic, social and environmental activities. Large business should also contribute to these Goals along with the UN member states. Being one of the world industry leaders, the PhosAgro Group is actively involved in international projects that support the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The United Nations Global Compact

UN Global Compact is the largest UN business initiative in the field of sustainable development and corporate social responsibility. It brings together more than 20 thousand participating companies from 167 countries. This is the only United Nations initiative for entrepreneurs. Its main goal is the transition to a socially responsible business worldwide, which will strive, inter alia, to achieve the SDGs.

As a participant of the UN Global Compact, PhosAgro has been active in discussing pressing global issues and joined working and expert groups on climate change and sustainable development.

PhosAgro is one of the two Russian companies included in Global Compact LEAD, a group of companies committed to the UN Global Compact and its Ten Principles for responsible business conduct, human rights, labour, the environment and anti-corruption activities. The UN first named PhosAgro a Global Compact LEAD company in 2019. This status was confirmed in 2021. Today, there are only 37 LEAD participants globally.

PhosAgro supported Business Leaders’ Open Call for Water Action under the auspices of UN in 2023. This initiative was presented at the UN Water Conference. The Open Call was prepared under the auspices of the UN Global Compact Water Resilience Coalition in conjunction with the CEO Water Mandate. PhosAgro is the only Russian participant of the initiative aimed at achieving the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) UN No. 6 “Ensure Availability and Sustainable Management of Water and Sanitation for All”.

10 principles of the UN Global Compact to be followed by participating companies:
Businesses must support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights. Businesses should not be involved in human rights violations. Businesses must uphold freedom of association and real recognition of the right to collective bargaining. Businesses should advocate the elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labor. Businesses must advocate for the complete elimination of child labor. Businesses must advocate for the elimination of discrimination in the world of work and employment. Businesses should support a precautionary approach to environmental issues. Businesses should take initiatives to increase environmental responsibility. Businesses should promote the development and diffusion of environmentally sound technologies. Businesses must resist all forms of corruption, including extortion and bribery.
Expanding the presence and protection of company interests in world markets

The development of international relations and the expansion of contacts are necessary conditions for achieving those global tasks that the UN and the world community are pursuing. Therefore, PhosAgro, as one of the leaders in the global fertilizer market, contributes to the industry by working closely with the International Fertilizer Association (IFA).

IFA is the world’s largest organization that brings together manufacturers, traders, fertilizer distributors, as well as industry service providers and researchers. The IFA includes around 500 companies from 80 countries that produce up to 80% of the world’s fertilizers, and the organization itself acts as a consultant to the UN and actively works with relevant international structures: the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). The International Fertilizer Industry Association confirmed PhosAgro’s status as an industry champion for a responsible and sustainable approach to production activities in December 2021. The company received this award for the first time in 2019.

IFA Key Goals Introduction of innovative agricultural technologies. Promoting effective agriculture to increase productivity worldwide. Assistance in strengthening food security. Implementation of measures to protect forests and soils, preserve the quality of atmospheric air and water resources.

The IFA hosts platforms for the exchange of views on current issues, and fosters companies that promote high standards of production and comply with them. PhosAgro regularly receives prestigious awards from the IFA, showing excellent results in the field of energy efficiency, reduction of carbon dioxide emissions, environmental and occupational safety of production operations.

PhosAgro joined the Arab Fertilizer Association (AFA) in February 2024 and became the first representative of the Russian mineral fertilizers industry joining this organization. AFA, functioning under the auspices of the Council of Arab Economic Unity, brings together key players in the global chain of production and supply of fertilizers — 180 companies from 29 countries.

Raising awareness

One of the key goals of sustainable development is to protect the planet’s ecosystems and reduce the environmental footprint.

Yet another PhosAgro project is being implemented jointly with the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the UN body that leads and coordinates international efforts to combat hunger. The FAO has 194 member countries. The main goal of the organization is to provide the population with access to quality food.

Since 2018, PhosAgro has been participating in the FAO Global Soil Partnership (GSP). This is a platform for the discussion of current issues of soil management, including the reduction of soil pollution, and exchange of best practices for the use of fertilizers. PhosAgro specialists also took part in the development of the “International Code of Conduct for the Sustainable Use and Management of Fertilizers”. The Code has become a call to action, where, among other things, it recommends to limit the content of heavy metals in fertilizers.

Promoting global sustainable agriculture

PhosAgro is also focused on organizing farmer training and skills development together with the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).

Project in the field of sustainable soil management

In 2019, PhosAgro launched a large-scale project to promote sustainable soil management among farmers and create the Regional Soil Laboratory Networks (RESOLANs) in Africa, Latin America and the Middle East. The project seeks to improve the soil quality and encourage more frequent soil analysis.

Special emphasis is placed on assessing the quality and safety of mineral fertilizers used in the region. PhosAgro plays the key role in this project by creating a common framework to advance technology and expertise for the proper land use. One of the major initiatives is the Global Soil Doctors Programme, which saw the creation of soil testing kits with educational materials. Over 11,000 farmers from 20 developing countries have participated in the programme.

Alexander Sharabaiko, PhosAgro Deputy CEO on finance and international projects, took part in the launch ceremony of the Russian Network of Soil Laboratories (RUSOLAN) as part of a joint PhosAgro and FAO project in May 2022.

PhosAgro and the FAO signed a supplement agreement on financing the third phase of the global soil protection project in February 2024. The joint project aims to support sustainable agriculture by strengthening the Global Soil Laboratory Network (GLOSOLAN), which currently encompasses 160 countries and includes more than 1,000 laboratories. The third stage of the project will extend PhosAgro’s support until 2026.

PhosAgro will allocate another $3 million to support thousands of farmers in the development of soil health restoration techniques (fao.org) over the next 3 years. Thus, PhosAgro’s total contribution to the project will amount to $5.4 million.

The main stages of the implementation of the project on sustainable agriculture The Soil Doctor Testing Kit
Creation of the “Soil Doctor Testing Kit”, a set for soil testing.
Global Soil Laboratories Network
Development of a network of soil laboratories in Africa, Latin America and the Middle East, including through the capacity building of regional laboratories.
Quality Control Procedures
Development and implementation of quality control mechanisms in key laboratories. Particular attention will be paid to fertilizer safety.
Green Chemistry for Life Project

Green Chemistry for Life grant programme was launched in 2013 at the initiative of the specialised agency of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) and PhosAgro in collaboration with the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC). The project is designed to support young scientists involved in the development of the innovative technologies in accordance with the principles of green chemistry, which will help solve environmental problems, improve energy efficiency and management of natural resources.

PhosAgro’s contribution to the implementation of the Green Chemistry for Life programme amounted to $2.5 million by 2024 (including a special grant to support research in the field of phosphogypsum processing, established in 2016).

Over the seven rounds of the programme, an international scientific jury consisting of 13 prominent scientists from 11 countries has reviewed over 900 applications submitted by young researchers from 120 countries. Grants were awarded to 48 talented young scientists from 32 countries. The project has become the first in the history of the entire UN and UNESCO system to be implemented at the expense of Russian business.

IUPAC Summer Schools on Green Chemistry

In 2018, the Company’s partnership with UNESCO and the IUPAC reached a new milestone as the first session of the IUPAC Summer School on Green Chemistry kicked off in Venice, Italy.

Since then, sessions have been held annually with PhosAgro’s support, attracting hundreds of young talented scholars from emerging and transition economies. Over the years, six events took place at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice and the University of Dar es Salaam, bringing together over 800 young specialists and 60 world-class lecturers from 75 countries.

More than 50% of IUPAC Summer School participants from developing countries receive a scholarship due to PhosAgro’s financial support. Over the past few years, the company has allocated funds for 200 scholarships to young scientists from Africa.

Projects in the framework of the International Year of the Periodic Table (IYPT2019)

2019 was declared by the UN as the International Year of the Periodic Table, which was created by Russian scientist Dmitry Mendeleev 150 years ago.

PhosAgro was a key partner in this initiative. The flowing events have been organized with the support of the company: the Official Opening Ceremonies in Paris and Moscow, the exhibition during the Opening Ceremony, the All-Russian Mendeleev Competition for Young University Researchers, and Mendeleev Congress on General and Applied Chemistry.

The events held during the International Year of the Periodic Table served as a major guide for further technology advancements in green chemistry, sustainable development and food safety.

Development of Scientific and Educational Cooperation with African Countries

PhosAgro is actively involved in ensuring the food sovereignty of the African continent and expanding scientific and educational cooperation between Russian and African universities.

PhosAgro signed cooperation agreements in the field of development of agricultural education with a number of leading African universities in 2023 during the Second Russia—Africa Economic and Humanitarian Forum.

The cooperation is aimed at the implementation of research projects in the field of sustainable agriculture, including the promotion of digital educational technologies on the African continent. The parties intend to expand the use of the PhosAgro digital educational platform Pro Agro Lectorium by students and professors within the framework of the agreements. Lecturers of the educational program are PhosAgro experts, leading scientists of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian State Agrarian University of the Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy and other agricultural universities, as well as top managers of key agro-industrial enterprises.