Moscow – PhosAgro ("PhosAgro" or "the Company") (Moscow Exchange, LSE: PHOR), one of the world’s leading vertically integrated phosphate-based fertilizer producers, has been informed by Vindemiatrix Trading Limited, which owns a 2.88% stake in PhosAgro, that as a result of transactions completed on 29 December 2014, Vindemiatrix Trading Limited has obtained control of Carranita Holdings Limited and Dubberson Holdings Limited, which together own 12,688,224 ordinary PhosAgro shares. As a result, Vindemiatrix Trading Limited gained control of 9.78% of PhosAgro’s outstanding shares.
According to information available to PhosAgro, ownership of Vindemiatrix Trading Limited, which now controls a 12.66% stake in PhosAgro, is held by a trust, the economic beneficiary of which is PhosAgro Board of Directors Member Igor Antoshin, who owns 1.92% of PhosAgro shares.
According to information available to PhosAgro, ownership of Carranita Holdings Limited and Dubberson Holdings Limited was previously held in trusts, the economic beneficiaries of which were Deputy Chairman of the PhosAgro Board of Directors Andrey Guryev and members of his family.
According to information available to PhosAgro, ownership of Adorabella Limited, Chlodwig Enterprises Limited, Fornido Holding Limited, Dubhe Holdings Limited, Miles Ahead Management Limited, and Owl Nebula Enterprises Limited, which together own 45.46% of PhosAgro’s outstanding shares, is held in trusts, the economic beneficiaries of which are Deputy Chairman of the PhosAgro Board of Directors Andrey Guryev and members of his family, while Evgeniya Guryeva owns 4.82% of PhosAgro shares.