Among the factors that contributed to the output growth are the launch of the new SK-650 sulfuric acid facility, expansion of the product range, including production of sulphoammophos and diammonium phosphate along with the traditional ammophos. In 2010 the plant produced 537,700 tons of DAP (108,500 tons or 25.3% more than in 2009).
No less remarkable is the significant increase in the output of feed phosphates – a valuable product used by agricultural producers as a food additive for poultry and livestock. Its 2010 output stood at 245,600 tons, which was 64,300 tons (35%) more than in 2009.
In 2010 the plant also exceeded sulfuric and phosphoric acid production targets. Its phosphoric acid output reached 646,100 tons (7.9% more than in 2010) while sulfuric acid production hit 1.48 million tons (an increase of 8.2%).