Cherepovets. 16 July 2020. PhosAgro, one of the world’s leading producers of phosphate-based fertilizers, started shipping Apaliqua NP 11-37 liquid complex fertilizers to farmers in Bulgaria and Hungary.
The first vessel carrying 5 kt of Apaliqua NP 11-37 to Bulgarian and Hungarian consumers left Apatit’s industrial port in Cherepovets in early July.
Apaliqua NP 11-37 is a liquid nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizer which ensures superior phosphorus availability and uptake. The fertilizer is ideal for cereal crops heavily depending on phosphorus and effective providing foliar extra nutrition for winter and spring wheat. The phosphorus contained in the fertilizer contributes to higher yield, grain quality and content, faster seed germination and better grain fill in addition to accelerating crop development and ripening. It also improves the water profile of plants and helps save water resources. The fertilizer is noted for its highest eco-friendly qualities which translate into clean crops free of heavy metals concentrations and higher competitiveness in local and global markets.
Apaliqua NP 11-37 is widely used on a global scale by major agricultural producers in the USA, UK, France and other EU countries. The Russian demand for the fertilizer has grown by 70% over the last three years, with its sales doubling after the snowless winter caused water shortages in key agricultural regions.
“As in Russia earlier this year, the demand for the fertilizer was driven by water shortages in Bulgaria and Hungary, where European agricultural producers are facing the most severe drought in three years, limiting the effectiveness of conventional granular fertilizers. In its turn, foliar application of the liquid nutrient mix with unique eco-friendly qualities will promptly help overcome nutrient deficiencies, supporting yield and product quality,” said Sergey Pronin, Deputy CEO for Sales and Marketing at PhosAgro.
He added that PhosAgro had developed recommendations for farmers on efficient use of liquid complex fertilizers when growing winter and spring wheat in drought-ridden local soils. As of the end of 2020, PhosAgro and its customers will jointly follow up on the results and shape a plan for enhanced application of liquid complex fertilizers in the region.
According to Sergey Pronin, PhosAgro is set to increase Apaliqua NP 11-37 supplies to Southeastern Europe up to at least 20 kt over the next two years, mainly due to the rising demand from Romanian and Serbian farmers.
PhosAgro Group is represented in the region by its local subsidiary, PhosAgro Balkans D.o.o., which was established in 2017 in Belgrade to foster PhosAgro’s sales in Southeastern Europe. In 2019, it delivered nearly 430 kt of mineral fertilizers and animal feed additives to the region’s farmers, with Hungary, Serbia and Romania accounting for ca. 80% of supplies. PhosAgro’s most popular products among customers of PhosAgro Balkans include complex NPK fertilizers and MAP NP 12-52, with their share exceeding 50% in 2019. The demand for PhosAgro’s nitrogen fertilizers has also been growing, with last year’s supplies of urea to Southeastern Europe amounting to over 70 kt.