By 2020, ensure the conservation, restoration and sustainable use of terrestrial and inland freshwater ecosystems and their services, in particular forests, wetlands, mountains and drylands, in line with obligations under international agreements.
Fertilizers that play an important role in creating and preserving global carbon sinks: by increasing productivity on arable land, they prevent deforestation. Additionally, they increase the carbon-absorbing capacity of soil, improving the ratio of carbon to nitrogen (C:N) and maximizing biomass production.

People in charge of environment protection were appointed at production units of the enterprises. At the level of production units, which are the main sources of environmental impact, and at the level of the enterprise, there is a procedure in effect for identifying and assessing risks and opportunities. Based on the results of the risk assessment, we determine the measures that are necessary to bring the risks to an acceptable level in terms of significant environmental aspects.
At the Group level, comprehensive programmes are being implemented that join the efforts of international organisations and farmers under programmes aimed at preserving terrestrial ecosystems, soil cover and efficient use of natural resources.
helps farmers and the entire industry to understand how to improve the quality of soil management without accumulating pollutants in it;
protects and restores terrestrial ecosystems and promotes their efficient use;
works actively on the international level, in particular, conducts a joint project on sustainable agriculture together with the UN Food and Agriculture Organization, and also supports the Global Soil Partnership;
promotes and popularizes the best agricultural practices by introducing a service model for servicing.
One of the key goals for sustainable development is to protect the world’s ecosystems and reduce the burden on the environment.
As part of the new five-year plan, the Company intends to develop its competitive advantages, while keeping the position of the world’s largest supplier of environmentally friendly phosphorus fertilizers for the agro-industrial complex, and to expand participation in the programs aiming to protect health, the environment, ensure food safety and combat soil degradation, thus setting an example for a harmonious approach to strategic development.
More detailed information about all main results of the Company’s activities in the area of preserving terrestrial ecosystems is presented in the