By 2030, substantially increase the number of youth and adults who have relevant skills, including technical and vocational skills, for employment, decent jobs and entrepreneurship.
Our Company has both direct and indirect impact on skills development of young people and adults through educational programmes for employees, schoolchildren, students and young scientists.

The Company applies a comprehensive approach to training management:
conducts a comprehensive program of partnership with higher educational institutions. From 2015 through 2020, 136 students out of total 746 graduates, who are enrolled in the target programmes at universities, were the Company’s employees. The leading university in the target area of training is St. Petersburg Mining University. Every year, more than 500 students take internships at the Company;
The Green Chemistry for Life project was launched on the initiative of UNESCO and PhosAgro with the support of the International Union of Theoretical and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC). Under the project, grants are offered to young scientists working on the application of advanced chemical technologies in such areas as environmental protection, efficient use of natural resources and waste recycling. Since 2013, more than 40 grants have been awarded to young scientists from 29 countries;
implements a plan of corrective actions based on the results of a study of the opinions of the Company’s personnel;
develops and implements module-based remote training for bluecollar jobs, occupational safety and management skills;
develops and introduces online courses aimed at developing personal competencies;
develops a system of corporate libraries, guidelines manuals and a knowledge management system as a whole;
invests in education in order to train future generations of employees for the Company who have the necessary skills.
increase the average annual number of training hours per employee by 50 % to 123 hours in order to improve work efficiency;
continue to develop social programmes in the field of education in accordance with the goals and provisions of Strategy 2025 with a focus on sustainable development and organic growth of the Company.
More detailed information about all main results of the Company’s activities in the area of educational development is presented in the