By 2020, achieve the environmentally sound management of chemicals and all wastes throughout their life cycle, in accordance with agreed international frameworks, and significantly reduce their release to air, water and soil in order to minimise their adverse impacts on human health and the environment.
We contribute, both directly and indirectly, to broader use of fertilizers which, due to their natural composition (zero/minimum concentration of radionuclides and heavy metals), minimise potential adverse impact on human health.

The main principles of the Company’s waste management system are compliance with the requirements of national legislation in the area of atmospheric air protection, ensuring the quality of atmospheric air at the borders of sanitary protection areas of facilities and upgrading the facilities using the best available technologies.
The waste management system is an integral part of the Group’s integrated environmental management system.
as a producer of environmentally friendly fertilizers that essentially do not contain toxic substances, makes an important contribution to ensuring safety of food products for the consumers’ health and, therefore, to ensuring a healthy lifestyle and well-being of people;
possesses environmental management practices that ensure compliance with applicable regulations and help reduce the impact of its activities on the environment;
ensures efficient handling of chemical substances and waste throughout the entire life cycle, including transportation;
actively participates in the independent association Green Club established in 2019 — a union of manufacturers and suppliers of products with improved environmental characteristics;
is a member of the international alliance Safer Phosphates, which also includes producers of environmentally friendly mineral fertilizers from South Africa, Canada and Egypt;
introduces technologies for the use of waste from production of phosphoric acid, phosphogypsum, in road construction and the
implements initiatives aimed at significantly improving the efficiency of water use, reducing water consumption and reducing wastewater discharge;
implements energy efficiency program measures that allow reducing electricity consumption, increasing the level of electric power independence and developing the RES direction.
reduce specific emissions of pollutants by 23.7 % vs the 2018 level;
reduce the specific volumes of wastewater discharge by 31 % or up to 4.16 m3/t vs the 2018 level;
reduce the specific rate of water intake by 29 % to 5.16 m3/t vs the 2018 level;
increase the share of hazard class
implement the logistics strategy to reduce transport costs and the negative impact of transportation on the environment, increase the share of sales of premium fertilizer grades, containing more than 2 useful elements or trace elements, to 43 % (5 million tonnes) in the total volume of products.
More detailed information about the implementation of the relevant strategic goals of the Company is presented in the